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Zero Discharge Plant

We Global Water engaged in Design, manufacturing, supply and installing Effluent treatment plant as zero liquid discharge plant by incorporating attached growth process/MBR technology with diffused aeration system, floating bio media filled in aeration tank and with chemical addition for coagulation and flocculation, pressure filters and ultra filtration system, RO system for various types industrial effluents like pharmaceuticals effluents, chemical manufacturing industries effluents, cooling tower blow down water, Laundry effluents etc., for various industrial and commercial applications on turnkey basis.

Purpose: To treat industrial effluents and bring down the BOD/COD level to meet the pollution control board standard norms and treated water can be recycled to the industrial process.

Design: We are able to design, manufacture, supply and install Effluent treatment plants as Zero liquid discharge plant with suitable technology in different capacities for various industries etc.,

Material of Construction: We are able to manufacture and supply Effluents treatment plant as zero liquid discharge system in mild steel, mild steel FRP lined tanks, or in RCC constructed tanks with necessary pressure filters and blowers with all electro mechanical items etc.

Water Treatment Plant for any Process Application

• Nano Filtration for Textile Industry
• Multiple Effect Evaporation Plant with Crystallizer.

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